How to setup GLUT in Code::Blocks IDE
To setup a OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) in your Code::Blocks IDE, follow the following procedures.
- Make sure the Code::blocks IDE is installed.
- First of all you need to download a GLUT library. For this CLick Here
- Copy the glut. h in downloaded folder and follow the following procedures. First open the Program files in C drive and go to Codeblocks, then open it. Open the MinGW. Then click on include where you see GL folder. Paste the above copied header file in GL folder.
- After this, back to your glut32.dll file . Copy and paste it to System32 folder of windows.
- At last, copy glut32.lib file and paste it to the lib Folder of codeblocks same as procedure no. 3.
- Now open the code::blocks. Click on Create a New Project. Choose GLUT Projects. Then run it . Don’t forget to write header file <windows.h>.
I have a little question. May I use my own dll file or it is essential to download from your source? Personally, I use fix4dll site for downloading any types of dll files, for e.g. If it is any option to use my owns file it would be great.