How to setup GLUT in Code::Blocks IDE

To setup a OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) in your Code::Blocks IDE, follow the following procedures.

  1. Make sure the Code::blocks IDE is installed.
  2. First of all you need to download a GLUT library. For this CLick Here
  3. Copy the glut. h in downloaded folder and follow the following procedures. First open the Program files in C drive and go to Codeblocks, then open it. Open the MinGW. Then click on include where you see GL folder. Paste the above copied header file in GL folder.
  4. After this, back to your glut32.dll file . Copy and paste it to System32 folder of windows.
  5. At last, copy glut32.lib file and paste it to the lib Folder of codeblocks same as procedure no. 3.
  6. Now open the code::blocks. Click on Create a New Project. Choose GLUT Projects. Then run it . Don’t forget to write header file <windows.h>.
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1 Response

  1. I have a little question. May I use my own dll file or it is essential to download from your source? Personally, I use fix4dll site for downloading any types of dll files, for e.g. If it is any option to use my owns file it would be great.

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