Mini project “Library management system” using C – Free Code
The project “Library Management System” is a sample of mini project in C. If you need to create a mini project in C and if you don’t know where and how to start, I hope this sample project I created will help you to get started. Please remember that the purpose of this mini project is to guide you create a mini project using C. Please just don’t copy/paste and submit it. Use the code to learn and do the project yourself. Or you can modify the project, add features and submit. This project has 2 sections.
- Section for a librarian
- Section for a student
- You can create a structure for a student that uniquely identify each student. When a student borrows a book from the library, you link his ID to Book ID so that librarian can find how burrowed particular book.
- You can change the program so that it looks more interactive.
- You can create a feature to bulk import the books from CSV file.
- You can add REGEX to search so that a book can be searched using ID, title, author or any of the field.
- You can add the student login section.
- and much more
#include < stdio.h > #include < stdlib.h > #include < string.h > // Copied from // void flush() { int c; while ((c = getchar()) != '\n' & amp; & amp; c != EOF); } typedef struct { char username[15]; char password[15]; } User; typedef struct { int id; // must be unique char title[50]; char author[50]; // if more than two, separate using ,(COMMA) char ISBN[50]; char category[50]; char publication[50]; char description[255]; int taken; } Book; int main() { char option, admin_option, username[15], password[15], edit_option; int first_time, c, i, j, id, found; FILE * f; User user; Book book; f = fopen("librarian.check", "r"); if (f == NULL) { fclose(f); f = fopen("librarian.check", "w"); fputc(1, f); fclose(f); } else { fclose(f); } f = fopen("id.check", "r"); if (f == NULL) { fclose(f); f = fopen("id.check", "w"); fputc(0, f); fclose(f); } else { fclose(f); } printf("Log in as \n"); printf("1: Librarian\n"); printf("2: Student\n"); printf("3: Exit\n"); printf("Enter your choice: "); scanf("%c", & amp; option); switch (option) { case '1': f = fopen("librarian.check", "r"); if (f == NULL) { printf("Couldn't read file\n"); exit(0); } else { first_time = fgetc(f); if (first_time == 1) { fclose(f); flush(); printf("Provide username and password to setup\n"); printf("Username (14 characters max): "); fgets(user.username, 15, stdin); printf("Password (14 characters max): "); fgets(user.password, 15, stdin); // write this credential to file f = fopen("credential.bin", "wb"); if (f == NULL) { printf("Someting went wrong!!\n"); exit(0); } fwrite( & amp; user, sizeof(User), 1, f); fclose(f); printf("Exit and login again to continue\n"); f = fopen("librarian.check", "w"); fputc(0, f); fclose(f); } else { fclose(f); flush(); printf("Provide credential to login\n"); printf("Username: "); fgets(username, 15, stdin); printf("Password: "); fgets(password, 15, stdin); // read the credential from file f = fopen("credential.bin", "rb"); if (f == NULL) { printf("Someting went wrong!!\n"); exit(0); } fread( & amp; user, sizeof(User), 1, f); if (strcmp(username, user.username) != 0 || strcmp(password, user.password) != 0) { printf("Username or password invalid\n"); exit(0); } printf("Login Successful!!\n"); printf("1: Add Book\n"); printf("2: Search Book\n"); printf("3: Edit Book\n"); printf("4: Delete Book\n"); printf("4: Moderate Student Request\n"); printf("Enter your choice: "); scanf("%c", & amp; admin_option); switch (admin_option) { case '1': flush(); printf("Provide the following information\n"); printf("Title: "); fgets(book.title, 50, stdin); printf("Author: "); fgets(, 50, stdin); printf("ISBN: "); fgets(book.ISBN, 50, stdin); printf("Category: "); fgets(book.category, 50, stdin); printf("Publication: "); fgets(book.publication, 50, stdin); printf("Description: "); fgets(book.description, 50, stdin); book.taken = 0; // increment ID f = fopen("id.check", "r"); if (f == NULL) { printf("Someting went wrong\n"); exit(1); } id = fgetc(f); fclose(f); = id; // save the record f = fopen("book.record", "a"); fwrite( & amp; book, sizeof(Book), 1, f); fclose(f); id++; f = fopen("id.check", "w"); fputc(id, f); fclose(f); printf("Book insertion Successful!!\n"); break; case '2': printf("Enter the book id to search: "); scanf("%d", & amp; id); // search in the database f = fopen("book.record", "rb"); found = 0; i = 0; while (fread( & amp; book, sizeof(Book), 1, f)) { if ( == id) { // matched found = 1; printf("Book Found!!\n"); printf("Title: %s", book.title); printf("Author: %s",; printf("ISBN: %s", book.ISBN); printf("Category: %s", book.category); printf("Publication: %s", book.publication); printf("Description: %s", book.description); break; } i++; } if (found == 0) { printf("Sorry!! The book is not in the database\n"); } fclose(f); break; case '3': printf("Enter the book id to edit: "); scanf("%d", & amp; id); f = fopen("book.record", "rb+"); found = 0; while (fread( & amp; book, sizeof(Book), 1, f)) { if ( == id) { // matched found = 1; break; } } if (found == 0) { printf("Sorry!! The book is not in the database\n"); } else { printf("What field do you want to edit:\n"); printf("1. Title\n"); printf("2. Author\n"); printf("3. ISBN\n"); printf("4. Category\n"); printf("5. Publication\n"); printf("6. Description\n"); printf("Enter your choice: "); scanf("\n%c", & amp; edit_option); switch (edit_option) { case '1': flush(); printf("Enter new title: "); fgets(book.title, 50, stdin); break; case '2': printf("Enter new author: "); fgets(, 50, stdin); break; case '3': printf("Enter new ISBN: "); fgets(book.ISBN, 50, stdin); break; case '4': printf("Enter new Category: "); fgets(book.category, 50, stdin); break; case '5': printf("Enter new Publication: "); fgets(book.publication, 50, stdin); break; printf("Enter new Description: "); fgets(book.description, 255, stdin); break; default: printf("Enter 1 to 6\n"); break; } fseek(f, i, SEEK_SET); fwrite( & amp; book, sizeof(Book), 1, f); fclose(f); printf("Book record modified in the database!!\n"); } break; case '4': printf("Enter the book id to Delete: "); scanf("%d", & amp; id); f = fopen("book.record", "rb"); found = 0; while (fread( & amp; book, sizeof(Book), 1, f)) { if ( == id) { // matched found = 1; break; } } fclose(f); if (found == 0) { printf("Sorry!! The book is not in the database\n"); } else { // create a temporary file FILE * temp; temp = fopen("book.temp", "a"); if (temp == NULL) { printf("Something went wrong\n"); exit(1); } f = fopen("book.record", "rb"); // copy all the items except item to delete // to temporary file while (fread( & amp; book, sizeof(Book), 1, f)) { if ( != id) fwrite( & amp; book, sizeof(Book), 1, temp); } fclose(f); fclose(temp); // delete original file remove("book.record"); // rename the temporary file rename("book.temp", "book.record"); printf("Book record deleted from the database!!\n"); } break; default: printf("Enter only 1 - 4\n"); break; } } } break; case '2': printf("Enter the book id to search: "); scanf("%d", & amp; id); // search in the database f = fopen("book.record", "rb"); found = 0; i = 0; while (fread( & amp; book, sizeof(Book), 1, f)) { if ( == id) { // matched found = 1; printf("Book Found!!\n"); printf("Title: %s", book.title); printf("Author: %s",; printf("ISBN: %s", book.ISBN); printf("Category: %s", book.category); printf("Publication: %s", book.publication); printf("Description: %s", book.description); printf("Status: "); if (book.taken == 1) { printf("Not Available"); } else { printf("Available\n"); } break; } i++; } if (found == 0) { printf("Sorry!! The book is not in the database\n"); } fclose(f); break; case '3': printf("Bye!!\n"); exit(0); default: printf("Enter either 1 or 2 only\n"); break; } return 0; }
your blog is awesome…. please keep your blog alive.. thanks
My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!
Expense Management System
good work
please how do i get the password
Try to find out it.It is in the code only
hello sir, i need mini library management programming in c script ….sir its urgent sir please
Great Work!
Dear Bibek,
Please keep it is a great help for the beginners..
Thanks …
Dear Bibek,
Please keep this up..It is a great help for beginners…
link is not working 🙁
hello sir i want project in c but file handling not want to include can i plz get this its urgent
Hello sir,I want project in c with coading Vehicle Tracking System C mini Project
Hello sir I want Vehicle Tracking System C mini Project with loading. It's urgent
What id to enter?
what is &? why is it not declared but added in few places?
im not getting anything