Real Time Object Detection in Flutter using camera and tflite Plugin
What is tflite?
A Tensorflow model is converted to a Tensorflow Lite flat buffer file using Tensorflow Lite Converter (. tflite). The client, which in our instance is a mobile device operating on iOS or Android or an embedded device, receives the Tensorflow Lite flat buffer file.
tflite is a Flutter plugin for accessing TensorFlow Lite API. Supports image classification, object detection (SSD and YOLO), Pix2Pix and Deeplab and PoseNet on both iOS and Android.
To learn more Check A Flutter Plugin for Accessing TensorFlow Lite API, tflite.
What is camera?
To capture photographs and videos, several apps require you to use the device’s camera. For this purpose, Flutter provides a camera plugin. The camera plugin includes features such as a list of available cameras, a preview from a specific camera, and the ability to take images or videos.
Real-time object detection in Flutter using camera and tflite plugin.
flutter packages get
flutter run
- Image Classification
- MobileNet
- Object Detection
- SSD MobileNet
- Yolov2 Tiny
- Pose Estimation
- PoseNet

Reference Article
For details:
Source Code: flutter_realtime_detection.