Custom-built progress dialog for Flutter with smooth animation

Packages in flutter are the things which allows us to create new things. This is a light weight flutter package to show progress dialog. As it is a stateful widget, you can change the text shown on the dialog dynamically.


Customizable progress dialog for Flutter applications with smooth animation for background dim color and blur.


Getting Started


Get it from The same way as the animation widget we talked about in: A complete animation widget for rotation with flutter.

Add dependency to pubspec.yaml file :
ars_progress_dialog: 0.0.1

Run this command :
$ flutter pub get


Import class in your project :
import 'package:ars_progress_dialog/ars_progress_dialog.dart';

Showing Dialog

Show simple progress dialog :

ArsProgressDialog progressDialog = ArsProgressDialog(
	blur: 2,
	backgroundColor: Color(0x33000000),
	animationDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 500));; // show dialog
	progressDialog.dismiss(); //close dialog

Customize loading widget :

 ArsProgressDialog customProgressDialog = ArsProgressDialog(
	 blur: 2,
	 backgroundColor: Color(0x33000000),
	 loadingWidget: Container(
		 width: 150,
		 height: 150,
		 child: CircularProgressIndicator(),    


backgroundColorColorDialog dim(background) ColorColor (0x99000000)
blurdoubleBlur amount of dialog background0
dismissableboolSetting this true lets user dismiss dialog by touching outside of it.true
onDismissFunctionThis function triggers when user dismisses dialog.
loadingWidgetWidgetDialog’s widget. You can use your own widget when showing dialog.simple widget
useSafeAreaboolSetting this to false makes dialog background fullscreen but when you set it true blur and background color will not apply on status bar, navigation bar and …false
animationDurationDurationThis duration defines how much will take for blur and background color to appear.Duration (milliseconds : 300)

**Note**– Recently this package has been discontinued.

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