C++ Tutorial: Some Lab assignments on Operator Overloading
Question:Write a class to store x, y, and z coordinates of a point in three-dimensional space. Using operator overloading, write friend functions to add, and subtract the vectors.
#include<iostream> using namespace std; class dimension { private: float xco, yco, zco; public: dimension():xco(0),yco(0),zco(0){} void getco_ordinate(); friend dimension operator +(dimension, dimension); friend dimension operator -(dimension, dimension); void display(){cout<<"("<< xco<<" , "<<yco<< " , "<<zco<<")";} }; void dimension::getco_ordinate() { cout<<"Enter the x-coordinate: "; cin>>xco; cout<<"Enter the y-coordinate: "; cin>>yco; cout<<"Enter the z-coordinate: "; cin>>zco; } dimension operator +(dimension d1, dimension d2 ) { dimension temp; temp.xco = d1.xco + d2.xco; temp.yco = d1.yco + d2.yco; temp.zco = d1.zco + d2.zco; return temp; //nameless object } dimension operator -(dimension d1, dimension d2) { dimension temp; temp.xco = d1.xco - d2.xco; temp.yco = d1.yco - d2.yco; temp.zco = d1.zco - d2.zco; return temp; } int main() { dimension d1, d2, d3, d4; d1.getco_ordinate(); d2.getco_ordinate(); d1.display(); cout<<" + or - "; d2.display(); d3 = d1 + d2; d4 = d1 - d2; cout<<" = "; d3.display(); cout<<" or "; d4.display(); return 0; }
Question:Compare the two object that contains integer values that demonstrate the overloading of equality (= =), less than (<), greater than (>), not equal (!=),greater than or equal to (>=) and less than or equal to(<=) operators.
using namespace std; class logical { private: int x; public: logical():x(0){} logical(int x1):x(x1){} bool operator == (logical); bool operator < (logical); bool operator > (logical); bool operator != (logical); bool operator >= (logical); bool operator <= (logical); void display() { cout<<x; } }; bool logical::operator == (logical c1) { if(x == c1.x) return true; else return false; } bool logical::operator < (logical c1) { if(x < c1.x) return true; else return false; } bool logical::operator > (logical c1) { if(x > c1.x) return true; else return false; } bool logical::operator != (logical c1) { if(x != c1.x) return true; else return false; } bool logical::operator <= (logical c1) { if(x <= c1.x) return true; else return false; } bool logical::operator >= (logical c1) { if(x >= c1.x) return true; else return false; } int main() { int x, y; cout<<"Enter Value of X: "; cin>>x; cout<<"Enter the value of Y: "; cin>>y; logical l1(x), l2(y); if(l1 == l2) cout<<"Both objects are equal "<<endl; if(l1 < l2) cout<<"Oject 1 is less than object 2"<<endl; if(l1 > l2) cout<<"Oject 1 is greater than object 2"<<endl; if(l1!=l2) cout<<"Object 1 is not equal to object 2"<<endl; if(l1 <= l2) cout<<"Object 1 is less than or equal to object 2"<<endl; if(l1 >= l2) cout<<"Object 1 is greater than or equal to object 2"<<endl; return 0; }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Date { private: int day; int month; int year; static const int days[]; static const char months[][12]; public: Date(int d = 1 , int m = 1, int yy = 2000); void setDate(int, int , int); Date operator ++ (); Date operator ++(int ); bool check_leapyear(int ); bool check_endofmonth(int ); void helpIncrement(); void display() { cout<<day<<" "<<months[month-1]<<" "<<year; } }; const int Date::days[] = { 0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }; const char Date::months[][12] = { "January, ", "Fabruary", "March", "April", "May","June","July","August","September", "October", "November", "December"}; Date::Date(int m, int d, int y) { setDate(m, d, y); } void Date::setDate(int mm , int dd, int yy) { month = ( mm >= 1 && mm <= 12 ) ? mm : 1; year = ( yy >= 1900 && yy <= 2100 ) ? yy : 1900; if ( month == 2 && check_leapyear(year )) day = ( dd >= 1 && dd <= 29 ) ? dd : 1; else day = ( dd >= 1 && dd <= days[ month ] ) ? dd : 1; } void Date::helpIncrement() { if(!check_endofmonth(day)) day++; else if(month < 12) { month++; day =1; } else { year++; month = 1; day = 1; } } Date Date::operator++() { Date temp; helpIncrement(); temp.day = this->day; temp.month = this->month; temp.year = this->year; return temp; } Date Date::operator++(int) { Date temp; temp.day = day; temp.month = month; temp.year = year; helpIncrement(); return temp; } bool Date::check_leapyear( int testYear ) { if ( testYear % 400 == 0 || ( testYear % 100 != 0 && testYear % 4 == 0 ) ) return true; else return false; } bool Date::check_endofmonth( int testDay ) { if ( month == 2 && check_leapyear( year ) ) return testDay == 29; else return testDay == days[ month ]; } int main() { Date d1; Date d2( 2, 28, 1992 ),d4(2 ,28, 1992), d5,d6; cout <<"The given date is "; d2.display(); cout<<endl; d5 = d2++; cout<<"The date after overloading pre ++, is "; d5.display(); cout<<endl; d6 = ++d4; cout<<"The date after overloading post ++, is "; d6.display(); return 0; }
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