Different Data Types in PHP

PHP supports wide range of Data Types. It supports eight different primitive data types: four scalar types (boolean, integer, float, string), two command types: (array and object) and finally two special types (resource, NULL). All these data types are discussed below:
Boolean is data type whose value is either true or false. True and false in PHP are case insensitive. To specify a boolean literal, use the keywords TRUE or FALSE. For example:
    $bool1 = true; //assign the value true to $bool1
    $bool2 = false; //assign the value false to $bool2
        echo "It is true";
        echo "It is not true";


An integer is number of the set I = {…, –3, –2, –1, 0, 1, 2, 3 ,…….} .Integer can be specified in Decimal, Hexadecimal, Octal or Binary. For example:

    $a = 1234; // decimal number
    $a = -123; // a negative number
    $a = 0123; // octal number (equivalent to 83 decimal)
    $a = 0x1A; // hexadecimal number (equivalent to 26 decimal)
    $a = 1234; // decimal number
    $a = -123; // a negative number
    $a = 0123; // octal number (equivalent to 83 decimal)
    $a = 0x1A; // hexadecimal number (equivalent to 26 decimal)


Floating points numbers are real numbers. There are infinite floating point numbers between any two integer. In PHP, there are different ways to represent floating point numbers.

    $a = 1.234; 
    $b = 1.2e3; 
    $c = 7E-10;


string in PHP is stream of characters. A statement that is enclosed by single (‘’) or double quote (“ “) is regarded as string. There are various operations on string in PHP. Some are

    $firstString = "The quick brown fox";
    $secondString = " jumped over the lazy dog";
    $thirdString = $firstString; //assign value of firstString to thirdString
    $thirdString .= $secondString; //concatenate
    Lower case: <?php echo strtolower($thirdString); ?></br>
    Upper case: <?php echo strtoupper($thirdString); ?></br>
    Lowercase first-letter: <?php echo ucfirst($thirdString); ?></br>
    Uppercase Words: <?php echo ucwords($thirdString); ?></br>
    Length: <?php echo strlen($thirdString); ?></br>
    Trim: <?php echo trim($thirdString); ?></br>
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