Functional Ecommerce App Built with Flutter and Firebase


Smart Shop

A fully-functional e commerce app made in Flutter using Firebase.

A small introduction of Firebase

Firebase is a platform developed by Google for creating mobile and web applications. By giving secure access to the database directly from client-side code, the Firebase Realtime Database allows you to create complex, apps.

How To Run This Project

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Create project on firebase.
  3. Enable E-mail sign in.
  4. Add some date data to your firebase.
  5. Add google.json file to project.
  6. Do flutter pub get.


  1. Sign in/Login.
  2. Add item to your wishlist.
  3. Add item to your cart.
  4. Sort product on the basis of different category.

Built With

  • Flutter – UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, desktop, and embedded devices from a single codebase.
  • firebase_auth – A Flutter plugin to use the Firebase Authentication API.
  • firebase_core – Flutter plugin for Firebase Core, enabling connecting to multiple Firebase apps.
  • cloud_firestore – A Flutter plugin to use the Cloud Firestore API.
  • Get – Use for State management.
  • GetStorage – A fast, extra light and synchronous key-value in memory, which backs up data to disk at each operation.

Structure for app

lib # Root Package

├── controllers                  #contain controllers
├── models                       #contain data classes
|   ├── bag_model                #shopping cart model      
│   └── product_model            #product model
├── repositories                 #single source of truth 
|   └── cloud_functions          #contain all the cloud function 
├── view                         #ui layer
|    ├── pages                   #app screens 
|    └── widgets                 #widgets
├── utils                        #utility classes
└── main.dart                    #entry point

Architecture for app

This app uses Clean Architecture.


Platform Supported

  •  Android
  •  IOS


Source Code: Smart Shop.

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