Python program to use arithmetic operators for carrying out simple operations

In this example, we will write a simple program that takes input from the user and perform a basic arithmetic operation in Python. To better understand this example, make sure you have knowledge of the following tutorials:-

Source Code:

a = float(input("Input first number: "))
b = float(input("Input second number: "))

c = a+b  # addition
d = a*b  # multiplication
e = a/b  # division
f = a-b  # subtraction
g = b % a  # remainder
h = b ** a # exponential

print("sum = {addition}\n"
      "subtraction = {subtraction}\n"
      "product = {product}\n"
      "division = {division}\n"
      "Modulus = {modulus}\n"
      "Exponential = {exponent}" .
      format(addition=c, product=d, division=e,subtraction=f,modulus=g,exponent=h))

The output of the above program is:-

Input first number: 15
Input second number: 6
sum = 21.0
subtraction = 9.0
product = 90.0
division = 2.5
Modulus = 6.0
Exponential = 470184984576.0
In this program, the user input is taken using input() function which takes input as a string. But as we are doing the calculation part, we need the input to be in float. So, we did the type-conversion using float() function.
The input from the user is taken as a and b and basic operations are performed and result id displayed using print with the formatting of the data.
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